Specific Info On This Equipment

This product is no longer available.

Reference Number: 1683

Condition: New

"If you need a machine and don't buy it, then you will ultimately find you have paid for it but don't have it."   Henry Ford

Full Product Description

Model:  C370
Motor:  4 HP
Electrics (Specify one):  230/460, 3 Phase
Max. Blade:  14.5"
Spindle RPM:  18/36
Max. Vise Opening:  7.125"
Approx. Weight:  900 lbs.
Coolant Capacity:  5 Gallons
Work Height:  35.25"

@ 90 Degree:
Round Tubing:  5"
Round Solids:  3.5"
RND Solid Stainless:  2.25"
Square:  4"
Rectangular Tubing:  4" X 7"

@ 45 Degree RT:  
Round Tubing:  5"
Round Solids:  2.75"
RND Solid Stainless:  2"
Square:  4"
Rectangular Tubing:  4"X 5"

@ 45 Degree LF:  
Round Tubing:  4"
Round Solids:  2.75"
RND Solid Stainless:  2"
Square:  4"
Rectangular Tubing:  4" x 5"

@ 60 Degree RT:  
Round Tubing:  4"
Round Solids:  2"
RND Solid Stainless:  1.25"
Square:  4"
Rectangular Tubing:  3.5" x 3.5"

* The C370 Series features rugged heavy duty vertical column
circular sawing machines with saw frame swiveling capability
for mitering.
* Model C 370 Completely manual operation.
* Model C 370 AV Manual sawing operation with quick clamping
of air vise.
* The vertical column construction provides extremely stable
saw frame guidance and stability, with vibration free
* The machine can operate in a conventional 90 cutoff mode
for conventional sawing, and with a simple turn of a locking
lever, the saw frame can be swiveled to any desired angle up
to 45 left or 60 right for miter sawing.  The mitering
device carries a highly visible scale, and comes equipped
with a preset stop for accurately returning to zero. 

* Heavy Duty Vertical Type Saw with Rack & Pinion on
* Heavy Duty Drive, TEFC Motor
* Totally Enclosed Transmission
* 24 Volt Controls
* Electricals to NFPA-79 Electrical Standards
* HSS Sawblade
* Full Coolant System
* All Safety Guards
* Operators Manual/Parts List and Tools

AC100      Freestanding Roller Conveyor 12" wide x 5' long,
1000 lb.
AC101      Freestanding Roller Conveyor 12" wide x 10' long,
2000 lb.
AC126      Custom infeed/outfeed roller conveyor 12" wide x
6' long, with cover plates between rollers, coolant return
trough, micro-adjustable legs, mounted to machine
AC103      Additional 6' section for above conveyor
AC127      Custom outfeed roller conveyor with built in
measuring system, 12" wide x 6' long, with cover plates
between rollers, coolant return through, micro-adjustable
legs, mounted to machine
AC105      Additional 6' section for above conveyor
AC106      Vertical side guide rollers for custom conveyors,
pair of 2
AC118      Custom outfeed roller conveyor with Digital
measuring system, 12" wide x 12' long, with cover plates
between rollers, coolant return through, micro-adjustable
legs, mounted to machine
AC128      Pneumatic Top Clamp
AC140      Custom Digital Length Stop, 0-18", 0.001"