22 Ga. x 4', ROPER WHITNEY, BOX & PAN, MODEL#U422, **NEW**
This product is no longer available.
Reference Number: 293
Condition: New
"If you need a machine and don't buy it, then you will ultimately find you have paid for it but don't have it." Henry Ford
Full Product Description
Model: U422 Length of Bend: 48-1/4" Capacity, Mild Steel: 22 ga. Min. Reverse Bend: 5/16" Max. Depth of Box: 3" Finger Widths: 2", 3", 4" Max. Lift of Beam: 7/8" Shipping Weight: 280 lbs. Includes full set of Box & Pan Segmented Fingers. OPTIONAL FLOOR STAND AVAILABLE 100% MADE IN THE U.S.A.!! INCLUDES 3-YEAR FACTORY WARRANTY!!